Rare photos of young celebrities at the dawn of their popularity

This material collects photos of celebrities past and present, taken during their youth, in a relaxed or unusual atmosphere, revealing to us a different side of their personality that we never knew about.

Each such picture hides its own story, and sometimes a whole life. When celebrities weren’t so famous yet, they acted like regular people. And they took simple and rare photographs that have survived to our times. A collection of amazing celebrity photos you never saw taken during their formative days. Happy viewing.

Юная Мэрилин Монро
Young Marilyn Monroe

Сальвадор Дали в Кадакесе, 1930 год, 26 лет
Salvador Dali in Cadaqués, 1930, 26 years old
Группа The Beatles в 1957 году: Джорджу Харрисону 14 лет, Джону Леннону 16 лет и Пол Маккартни в 15 летнем возрасте
The Beatles in 1957: George Harrison 14, John Lennon 16 and Paul McCartney 15
Мила Йовович в возрасте 14 лет
Milla Jovovich at the age of 14
Лев Толстой, 1849, 21 год
Leo Tolstoy, 1849, 21 years old

Молодой Юрий Никулин, 1930-е годы
The young Yuri Nikulin, 1930s
Будущий компьютерный магнат Билл Гейтс
Future computer magnate Bill Gates
Молодые Стив Джобс и Стив Возняк
young Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
Билл и Хилари Клинтон
Bill and Hillary Clinton

Джек Николсон
Jack Nicholson
Молодой Курт Кобейн уже играет на басу
A young Kurt Cobain already plays bass
Майклу Джексону 14 лет
Michael Jackson 14 years old
Мик Джаггер
Mick Jagger
Билл Мюррей
Bill Murray
Брижит Бардо
Brigitte Bardot
Стивен Хокинг с первой женой
Stephen Hawking and first wife
Анджелина Джоли
Angelina Jolie
Оззи Осборн
Ozzy Osbourne
Леонардо ди Каприо
Leonardo DiCaprio

Jessica Lange, Milos Foreman, Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi. United States, Los Angeles, August 1976.

Mick Jagger, John Lennon & Yoko Ono.

Little George Clooney with his sister.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Rare photos of young celebrities at the dawn of their popularity
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